Oregonians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty launched a campaign of screening the film “In The Executioner’s Shadow,” that was followed up with an open dialogue from attendees. The first screening was at Salem’s Grand Theater at 7pm as organized by the Salem Progressive Film Series. The film casts a penetrating look at the consequences of the death penalty. It was followed by a panel discussion featuring John Kitzhaber, Paul DeMuniz, Jeff Ellis and Frank Thompson while Emily Plec moderated the discussion. As the battle to overturn capital punishment comes to a head in the U.S., this film challenges viewers to question their beliefs about justice.
The film and panel discussion were broadcast on local access television as well as 16 events that followed.
Salem Jan. 15th Grand Theater
McMinnville Feb. 1st Mac Co-Op Ministry
Roseburg Feb. 8th Roseburg Public Library
Astoria Feb. 16th Astoria Public Library
Eugene Feb. 19th University of Oregon School of Law
Silverton Feb. 20th Silverton Library
Eugene Feb. 21st Unitarian Universalist Church
Bend Mar. 1st Unitarian Universalist Church
Portland Mar. 3rd First Unitarian Portland
Salem Mar. 7th Willamette University ICT
Gresham Mar. 11th Saint Henry Catholic Church
Medford Mar. 16th RCC Higher Education Consortium
Ashland Mar. 17th Ashland Library
Bend Apr. 9th Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Portland May 5th West Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship